How to find us

The following is a location map of Crowborough

Tarkusha Birmans can be found in Fielden Lane on the south side of the town directly off the

main A26 Royal Tunbridge Wells to Lewes road


From M25 (west side)

Exit M25 at Junc.7 onto M23. Leave M23 at Junc.10 onto A264and follow towards East Grinstead. At Felbridge turn right onto A22  and pass through East Grinstead, Forest Row and Wych Cross, Go over Ashdown Forest until you come to village of NUTLEY. As you enter Nutley village turn left into Crowborough Road - pass over the cattle grids (watch out for sheep and cattle on the road). At the crossroads (staggered) go straight ahead until you come to the A26.  Turn left onto A26, pass the Crow & Gate Pub, pass the Crowborough Training Camp, pass Fielden Road and as you start to go up hill into Crowborough turn left into Fielden Lane just past the 40MPH sign. (Watch the speed humps!!!) We are 7th house on left  - "Stone Cottage".

From M25 (east side)

Go over Queen Elizabeth Bridge (Dartford Tunnel) and follow the clockwise M25.until you reach Junc. 5 - A21 (South) - not Junc 4 A21 North. Follow A21 until the turn off for A26. Follow A26 through Tunbridge Wells & Eridge to Crowborough. Pass over traffic lights at Crowborough Cross and follow on the A26  south for about 1 mile towards Uckfield . Pass the Blue Anchor pub on your right and as you reach the 'out of the speed limit' sign turn right into Fielden Lane. (Watch the speed humps!) We are 7th house on left. "Stone Cottage"